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Writer's pictureMicah N. Dillon

A Few Good Men - Meet My Dad

Updated: Jun 28, 2021

Happy Father’s Day!!!

Meet Preston “Pawpaw” Futrell, my dad.

He is the son of Harold and Mary Futrell. After spending some time in the Marines, his father became a farmer in the small town of Branchville, VA and they have never moved since. My dad became a farmer as his profession for 30 years. He is a man who understands soil, timber, and all things agriculture. He was a mechanic on all his equipment, a land owner when we saw something that fit, a board member, a deacon, and so many other things along his journey. My father has been a good steward to everything he puts his hands to. The farming market got tough for the small business owner and so my father made a job change at 50 years old and started working for the prisons in our local area. Between green houses to cattle, he has increased his yields year over year. He grows things well!! I heard that saying first in the natural, then in the spiritual. You see, my father has been cultivating the soul of his hearts for over 40 years. He has never lost his passion to read the Word and pray for those he feels deeply moved by. My father is a humble guy, but I think he’s a gentle giant.

“The spiritually hungry are always ready to learn more, for their hearts are eager to discover new truths.”

Proverbs 18:15 TPT

This passage perfectly describes my father’s appetite to feast on all things connected to the source of truth. This source of truth is also his source of peace.

“‘These things I have spoken to you in figurative language; but the time is coming when I will no longer speak to you in figurative language, but I will tell you plainly about the Father. In that day you will ask in My name, and I do not say to you that I shall pray the Father for you; for the Father Himself loves you, because you have loved Me, and have believed that I came forth from God. I came forth from the Father and have come into the world. Again, I leave the world and go to the Father.’ His disciples said to Him, ‘See, now You are speaking plainly, and using no figure of speech! Now we are sure that You know all things, and have no need that anyone should question You. By this we believe that You came forth from God.’ Jesus answered them, ‘Do you now believe? Indeed the hour is coming, yes, has now come, that you will be scattered, each to his own, and will leave Me alone. And yet I am not alone, because the Father is with Me. These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world.’”

John 16:25-33 NKJV

I think this passage brings an interesting parallel with my dad and his father. There is an interesting timeline in one’s life as a parent when you have to let go—when a son becomes a man. My dad wanted to hear from his Father above for guidance more than his earthly father. That can bring tension, but it’s also part of our generational blessing as a family. Because of that choice, his faith has bled down into his children. It has taken all of us our own timeline to find our connection to the Holy Spirit—mostly through trial and error, I might add. But, I do believe at this stage of his life, he is glad we have found our own way to the true source of peace. Peace is not something you can buy. Peace is something internally fought for, and every day we contend to keep it. I am happy to say my parents still like each other after all these years. That is a blessing. His children like each other. That is a blessing. His grandchildren like each other. That is a blessing. So, my father is living in a season of generational blessing. His prayers have paid off in dividends. He invested in eternal things and he is now seeing those things manifest in the natural through lives as we have learned to abide in the vine. (For more on how to abide in the vine, read John 15.)

My father has lived most of his life yielding to the process of abiding in the vine. I don’t think he would say it’s been easy, but he has story after story of how the Lord has used him to speak to another in the journey of discovering who the Father truly is. He is a Southampton community father. He has a testimony that slow and steady wins the race. His faithfulness to his race has been laced with grace. He stayed in his lane, even if it meant he ran it alone. For, his way has been somewhat counter the culture, but again, he has internal peace, and that is something many have never achieved.

So, Dad, I honor you today. You have been running your race well. Has there been moments you’ve regretted? I’m sure, but you have not lost your faith in this journey of becoming renewed day by day. I love to talk about heart things, just like my dad. He’s not a gossip talking kind of guy. He’s a gospel talking kind of guy. He thinks differently, but I’ve found it’s his eternal thinking. I grew up with a father who always saw that heaven has a place to access down here. It wasn’t just death that could access that door, but the revelation of our salvation that also gives us continual access to this resurrecting door.

My father might not have been able to give me all the finer things in life, but he gave me a solid example that with faith all things possible. Faith is a currency that goes beyond this space and time. Faith nourishes. Faith flourishes. Faith fills the atmosphere. This last line reminds me of a song, so I will link it here:

Jesus Culture, However You Want ft. Chris Quilala:

Here are some of the lyrics:

Faith fills the atmosphere

We know that You are here

Heaven has come to earth, singing

Rebuild every story

Release miracles

Heaven has come to earth, come on sing

Faith fills the atmosphere

We know that You are here

Heaven has come to earth

Rebuild every story

Release miracles

Heaven has come to earth

Like a fire, like a flood

Come however You want

However You want

With Your healing, with Your love

Come however You want

However You want

Like a fire, like a flood

Come however You want

However You want

With Your healing, with Your love

Come however You want

However You want

There is so much more to this song. I believe this is the cry of my father’s heart. I don’t want to limit how you come to Jesus. I just want to stay open for you to keep coming. I want to live in a way that allows an intimate relationship to be fostered. For Jesus to stay present. For His presence to be with you always. He prays this for his family, friends, and community to receive as well.

So, that’s a little bit about my faithful flourishing farmer of a father. I am proud to say I’m his daughter, and his oldest who will be turning 40 this week!! And, she is happy about it!! 40 is a significant number biblically. For me, it’s time to enter the promise land portion of my story.

Stay tuned….

Until next time

Stay tender.

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1 Comment

Howard Soucek
Jun 22, 2021

What a wonderful tribute to your father!

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