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Writer's pictureMicah N. Dillon


Our next acronym is on HEART:

H – Hope

E – Empower

A – Attain

R - Radical

T - Togetherness

H -- Hope

When dealing with grief or loss, hope is something that can be hard to hold on too. The first morning after my husband passed, I texted a friend and asked her, “What is the Lord speaking to you?” She sent me this song, “Gets your hopes up!”

Get Your Hopes Up

Song by Josh Baldwin

Here are the lyrics:

I see the son waking up the morning, reviving dreams

I feel the wind on my back with promise, reminding me

There's a garment of praise for heaviness

There's a new song burning inside my chest

I'm living in the goodness that He brings

Get your hopes up

Lift your head

Let your faith arise

Get your hopes up

Our God is for us

He's brought us back to life

I see the son waking up the morning, reviving dreams

I feel the wind on my back with promise, reminding me

There's a garment of praise for heaviness

There's a new song burning inside my chest

I'm living in the goodness that He brings

Get your hopes up

Lift your head

Let your faith arise

Get your hopes up

Our God is for us

He's brought us back to life

Christ before me

Christ behind me

I am firmly held

In his mercy

Never ending

I remind myself

Get your hopes up

Lift your head

Let your faith arise

Get your hopes up

Our God is for us

He's brought us back to life

These lyrics set my mind on an upward path that has changed my life forever. Hope has to fuel everything we do. We have hope that tomorrow is going to be a good day. We have hope that Jesus is ruling and reigning. We have hope that all things work together for the good of those who love Him. We have hope that we know where our loved ones who've passed are right now. We have hope that we will see them again.

Romans 5:5 NCV says, “And this hope will never disappoint us, because God has poured out his love to fill our hearts. He gave us his love through the Holy Spirit, whom God has given to us."

I also like the TPT version that says, "And this hope is not a disappointing fantasy, because we can now experience the endless love of God cascading into our hearts through the Holy Spirit who lives in us!”

Disappointment is a real thing when going through life’s challenges, especially when they are unexpected. I have found it hard to process yesterday’s disappointments without feeling pain. But, pain WILL NOT kill you!! That has been so encouraging to me. The more I lean into the pain, the more truths I uncovered within my heart and soul.

Hope is not a disappointing fantasy. Hope wins! We have this Hope--it’s an anchor! It keeps us steady and ready for whatever is ahead in our own personal journeys. We look up--our King Jesus is alive and knows our futures.

“But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and All these things shall be added to you.”

Matthew 6:33 NKJV

Focus on the word "All". ALL these things, shall be added!!

Add hope into your daily recipe of life. The more you add faith, hope, and love to your daily living, the more goodness you will see surrounding your day!! If there is one thing to take away today. Let it be that Hope Wins!

And remember, no matter what is threatening us--whether it be disease, finances, or a broken relationship--we can always bring our cheer and smile from ear to ear. Jesus gives us a reason in any season to cheer from ear to ear!!

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