T - Today
After reflecting yesterday on Easter, and watching a movie called Jesus produced by Sight and Sound Theatres, I started to think about the great cloud of witnesses we have in Heaven. I believe they are cheering us on.
Hebrews 12:1 TPT says, “As for us we have all of these great witnesses who in circle us like clouds so we must let go of ever wound that has pierced us and the sin we so easily fall into. Then we will be able to run life’s marathon race with passion, determination for the path has been already marked out before us.”
We have been left here to make a difference every day. We have been left to continue to run our race and win for Jesus. What an honor and blessing to be in the race called life. Now, can you see this in your mind eye?
How many of you would rather watch a game of your favorite sport, or go out and participate in that sport, enjoying it no matter if you are great or not. It is always more fun to play than to sit and watch. I wasn’t ever any good in team sports. My school was very small, therefore, everyone had to play. But, I believe that if I would have had to try out, I never would have played. I probably would have been on the bench most of the time, unless our team had a 40-point lead. It is a different perspective to be in the game vs being on the side-line. It is always more fun to play and we have the honor to play on TEAM JESUS. So, let’s go on and play with zeal and be the senders and introduce people to the ultimate Mender.
Right now, as sports are on hold, one thing that is never on hold is all those that are cheering for us in Heaven to finish well. We are still in the game with the clock ticking away, however, we know we will win and Heaven is our reward as believers. Together, we can finish well. I believe we can and I know we will.
Take time today to think about those that are a part of our cloud of witnesses, the spectators rooting for us, and may we all keep going and going until we get to receive the reward of Heaven, The Victors Prize.
“Isn’t it obvious that all runners on the racetrack keep on running to win, but only one receives the victor’s prize? Yet each one of you must run the race to be victorious. A true athlete will be disciplined in every respect, practicing constant self-control in order to win a laurel wreath that quickly withers. But we run our race to win a victor’s crown that will last forever. For that reason, I don’t run just for exercise or box like one throwing aimless punches, but I train like a champion athlete. I subdue my body and get it under my control, so that after preaching the good news to others I myself won’t be disqualified.”
1 Corinthians 9:24-27 TPT
Wow! What a passage. Let’s not get disqualified before our race has even truly started. Prepare on purpose. Remember, the cloud of witnesses are cheering you on more than you know or can understand. YET WE MUST RUN! RUN TOWARDS FREEDOM. He didn’t say how to run, He just said to run! Keep going!!
“These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world.””
John 16:33 NKJV
Thank you, Jesus, for this promise! Peace is a person and His name is Jesus. Cheer is an expression that comes from Jesus. Nobody knows what is ahead, however, Jesus is fighting for us and reminding us He has overcame ALL by dying on the cross. He did it for the one!! So, we have won!! We have won the Son!!
This is worth a cheer and a smile from ear to ear. Remembering is part of holding onto the revelation of our salvation. If you have never prayed this pray of salvation, take a moment and with true sincerity, say this with you heart and mind:
“Jesus, I need you. I know that I am a sinner. I surrender my will into Your hands. Please forgive my sins and wash me clean. Help me. I need Your helping hand to understand how to live again by the Father’s hand. I believe You died for me and I want to be set free. Thank You for saving me from death and the grave. Now, I am free and I will see You soon in eternity. Thank You, Jesus, for setting me free.”
“So if the Son sets you free from sin, then become a true son and be unquestionably free!”
John 8:36 TPT
Never question your freedom in Christ! The deceiver will try to send you doubting thoughts to make you question your freedom. But, this verse makes it plain. You are unquestionably free from sin. If you did pray this prayer, please contact someone to let them know. This is part of your journey towards true freedom.
Thank you for reading!!